Puppy Kindergarten Training
This class is for puppies 8 weeks to 6 months old. The focus of this class is to get your puppy off to a solid start. Your puppy will begin to learn basic obedience like sit, lie down and loose leash walking. In this class, the instructor will teach you how to deal with common puppy behaviors and give you a roadmap for your puppy’s development. You will have a blast socializing with other puppies and people. The enrollment fee is $100 for this class.
Beginning Obedience
This class is for all dogs older than 6 months old. This class introduces how to teach basic obedience skills to your pooch. This course will cover heeling on leash, sit/stay, down/stay and to come when called (recall). This course includes a training collar and leather leash. The enrollment fee is $125 for this class.
Intermediate Obedience
This class builds on the foundation you established in the Obedience Beginners course. The class will work on improving and proofing your dog’s basic obedience skills. The work on sit-stay, down-stay, and recall progresses with increased time, distance and distractions. Throughout the course, the instructor will share new exercises and begin to introduce off lead work with your pooch. The enrollment fee is $100for this class.
*Beginning Obedience is a prerequisite for this class.
Canine Good Citizen Testing
The Canine Good Citizen testing will be offered on the final night of the training session to those who successfully complete the OTCB Intermediate course. The CGC designation is designed to reward dogs that demonstrate good behavior in the home, in the community and to encourage responsible pet ownership.
*Intermediate Class is a prerequisite for this test.
More Info…
Link to AKC Canine Good Citizen Certification website.
Link to PDF link for AKC Good Citizen Certification brochure.
Advanced Classes
Rally Obedience: Rally Obedience utilizes the skills you learned in beginners and intermediate obedience classes but in a more freestyle manner. Rally might be said to be a combination of racing, agility and traditional obedience. Each dog and handler team navigate a course of signs, completing the designated exercises displayed on each sign. Rally Beginner will introduce you to the sport. Performed on leash, you will become proficient in executing the signs designated “novice” signs by the American Kennel Club. Rally Advanced and Intermediate will build on your beginner skills and prepare you to perform those signs designated as “advanced” by the American Kennel Club. Rally Advanced is performed off leash and Intermediate is performed on leash using the same course. The enrollment fee for Rally Beginner is $100; the enrollment fee for Rally Advanced and Intermediate is $100. Rally Ex/Masters will build on your advanced and intermediate skills and prepare you to perform those signs designated as “excellent/masters” by the American Kennel Club .
*Intermediate Obedience is a prerequisite for Rally Beginner; Rally Beginner is a prerequisite for Rally Advanced and Intermediate. Rally Advanced and Intermediate is a prerequisite for Rally Ex/Masters.
Agility 1: This beginner agility class is designed to introduce you and your dog to basic agility skills and equipment. Learning agility is a fun way for you to bond with your dog in an active environment that challenges your dog in both mental and physical skills. This instruction includes how to train agility exercises with verbal commands and hand signals, and introduces you to basic equipment used in the agility ring. Dogs can participate as long as they have completed Beginning Obedience/Puppy Kindergarten and are able to follow basic obedience commands. This class is best for dogs who are energetic and active. You will learn about Jumps, Dog Walk, A-Frame, Teeter, Tire, Pause Table, and Tunnels. Weave Poles will not be taught in this class.
*Beginning Obedience/Puppy Kindergarten is a prerequisite for this class.
Agility 2-3: Requires completion of a previous Agility class, or equivalent familiarity of the handler and dog to the Agility equipment with permission from the instructor. This class will build on the initial familiarity acquired in the Intro to Agility class, by polishing the handler’s and dog’s skills, and increasing heights of walks and jumps and lengths of tunnels.
Nosework: Keep your dog busy, tired and happy! Nosework is a sport where your dog gets to be a dog and do what dogs do — find things by scent. Your dog will develop his natural scent-directed hunt drive as he learns to search for Q-tips soaked with a small amount of the essential oils of birch, anise and clove hidden in containers and interior spaces. Take the class for fun or for preparation for participating in a Nosework Trial. The enrollment fee is $100 for this class.
*Beginning Obedience is a prerequisite for this course. If your dog cannot wait calmly and quietly by your side as other dogs search you will be required to crate your dog.
Tricks: Trick training is nothing new. People have been training their dogs to do “tricks” since man and dog came together. What is a trick? Doing a hand stand against the wall? Jumping over a handler’s back? Or simply teaching your dog to sit? So why do trick training? Number One — IT’S FUN! Dogs and owners enjoy learning tricks. Tricks are simply behaviors done for entertainment. Training tricks helps owners learn to train their dogs with positive reinforcement. Trick training helps activate a dog’s mind, helps them learn self-control, and can help give the dog physical exercise to make them healthier and stronger. It helps build an unbreakable bond between owner and dog. The enrollment fee is $100 for this class.
*Beginning Obedience is a prerequisite for this class.
AKC FIT Dog: This class is a fun way to get low-stress exercise for you and your dog, and will introduce your dog to: Tuck sit, Nose touch, Front paw targeting, Shake a paw, Cookie stretch, Kick back stand, Spin left/right, Fold back down, Cavaletti poles, and Pivot rear legs. Dogs who are less than 18 months old, morbidly obese, injured or in pain are not eligible. For more info, see AKC website at: AKC FIT DOG – American Kennel Club
*Beginning Obedience and Puppy Kindergarten is a prerequisite for this course. Dog must be 18 months or older.
Advanced Beginning Obedience
This class is for dog/handler teams who have completed the Beginning Obedience class but may feel they need to polish their skills before moving on to the Intermediate Obedience class or to one of the other advanced classes. You will continue to work on the skills taught in the beginning class without reworking the very basics. The enrollment fee is $100 for this class.
*Beginning Obedience is a prerequisite for this class.
Cooperative Care
Cooperative Care consists of teaching your dog certain skills that help make it easier going to the veterinarian, going to the groomer, and just generally taking care of your dog. The class will focus on getting your dog used to certain types of handling that will be required for blood draws, examinations, vaccinations. We will help desensitize your dog to handling his feet, his ears, his tail, or any other touchy body parts. We will teach your dog certain skills that will make the process easier, such as a chin rest, standing calmly, and using a mat or station for husbandry. The enrollment fee is $100 for this class.
*A Kindergarten Puppy Training Class or Beginners Class is a prerequisite for this class.
Attention/Reliable Recall
Having a dog who will reliably return to you when called is massively enriching for both your dog and you! And possibly even life saving. You don’t get reliability by limiting your dog, depriving them of things or forcing them to do things. We will teach you engagement tools to create the dog who sees you as the most fun thing in his environment and chooses you over everything else. The enrollment fee for this class is $100.
*A Beginning Obedience class is a prerequisite for this class. Aggressive or reactive dogs are not appropriate candidates for this class.
Beginner Novice
The Beginner Novice class is a great “next step” class for those dogs who have completed a Beginner Obedience Class or have successfully completed the AKC Canine Good Citizen title since it works on skills your dog has already learned — walking nicely on a leash, acting mannerly while being petted, performing a stay and coming when called. This class will prepare you to participate in the AKC’s Beginner Novice optional titling obedience class. All exercises are conducted on leash with the exception of the recall. The Heel on Leash pattern is established with Rally signs, and handlers are allowed to give one verbal encouragement. Participation in an AKC trial is not required to take the class. The enrollment fee for this class is $100.
*A Beginning Obedience class is a prerequisite for this class.
Combo Class
So many classes, so little time …. what to do next? The Combo Class is a perfect stepping stone to experience some of the other fun venues in which to train your dog. This sampler class will give you an introduction to agility, nosework, tricks and freestyle. The enrollment fee for this class is $100.
*A Beginning Obedience class is a prerequisite for this class.