Do you train my dog for me?
No, you will come each week for the one hour lesson.
May my family attend classes?
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, OTCB may limit those attending to the person training the dog, although you may have a different family member training the dog at different times. OTCB will advise students of the COVID precautions and attendance limits through the enrollment form and emails.
Normally, we encourage family members to attend the training sessions to observe, although we only allow one handler per dog in the ring at a time. Any accompanying children need to be able to sit quietly outside the ring and be under adult supervision.
Can my child train our dog?
Children, 12 and above, accompanied by an adult, may train.
What is Rally?
Rally is a companion sport to obedience requiring teamwork between dog and handler along with performance skills similar to obedience. Each dog/handler team completes a set course, following numbered signs, performing the exercises indicated on each sign.
What is nose work?
Nose work introduces training to encourage your dog’s natural scenting abilities by using their desire to hunt.
Do you offer STAR Puppy classes?
Yes, all OTCB Kindergarten Puppy Instructors are AKC certified STAR puppy instructors.
What is the CGC program? The CGCA Program?
The AKC Canine Good Citizen Program is a two-part program stressing responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs. The AKC Community Canine Program (CGCA) is the advanced level of the CGC program. Both the CGC and the CGCA tests are administered on graduation night (neither test is mandatory).
How do you decide if your dog fits in the “Kindergarten Puppy Training (KPT)”, “Small Beginner” or “Large Beginner” class?
Dogs under 6 months of age, regardless of size, should almost always be in the KPT class; the lessons are different and it is the only chance the puppy will get to be in the “puppy play pile”! Usually dogs over 6 months of age and under 45 pounds are enrolled in the Small Dog Beginner class, and dogs over 6 months of age and 45 pounds and over are enrolled in the Large Dog Beginner class. Although you’ll be in groups with mixed-sizes of dogs in regular life circumstances, we’ve found it is easier for beginner dogs and handlers to start among similar-sized dogs. Sometimes an unusually large-sized group of dogs enrolls and the break between “Small” and “Large” is at a larger pound limit; it was 65 pounds one semester and the largest dog was 145 pounds!
In addition, the age and temperament of a dog may make a difference in what class would be best. For example, a slightly smaller dog can be very dominant or aggressive and might fit in the larger group, or a young larger dog can be very timid and might fit in the smaller group.
If you have a question which class would be best for your pup, you can write some notes on your enrollment form or contact us to discuss.
How old does my dog need to be?
For Kindergarten Puppy Training Classes a minimum of 8 weeks and less than 6 months when class session begins. For other classes 6 months or older when classes begin (and prior completion of any prerequisite training classes).
When do class sessions start?
Spring sessions usually start the third week of February, and fall sessions usually start the third week of September. For the specific date for the upcoming semester see the enrollment form, which will usually be posted about one month prior to the start of classes.
Where are your classes held?
Classes are held at the Washington Co. Fairgrounds, 1109 N. Delaware, in Dewey. Parking and entry to the classes are at the back of the building.
What are the costs of classes?
- Kindergarten Puppy Training: $100
- Beginners: $125 (includes collar and leash)
- Intermediate: $100
- Advanced: $100
What class should I enroll my dog in?
Kindergarten puppy training is for dogs up to 6 months of age. Beginning class is for dogs 6 months and older (no age limit). Intermediate Obedience class is for dogs that have successfully completed a Kindergarten or Beginning Class. For questions regarding classes or to have your dog evaluated, please contact the Training Director.
Do you offer private lessons?
No, our classes are group classes.
Do I need any special equipment for classes?
Puppies should come to class wearing a plain buckle collar attached to a 6-foot leash. Beginning dogs will be provided with a collar and leash. Intermediate dogs may use their beginning equipment.
How long do classes last?
Class sessions last 8 weeks and consist of weekly, one-hour lessons.